
18 09 2009

Brother Thayappan and his family were very staunch Hindu People who have recently been blessed by the Lord. They were very strong devotees of Goddess Adhi Parasakthi and were practicing Hindu rites very sincerely and devotedly. Brother Thayappan lives with his family in Tambaram of Madras in South India. Here is his heart touching testimony as to how he had come to know of the Lord Jesus Christ, saved and blessed.  Not only he, his complete family ie. his wife, daughter and his younger son were also touched by the Lord by miracles and now the complete family attend the church in the full faith & they stand as a living mighty witness to glorify the name of the Heavenly Father,  His son-Lord Jesus christ and the Holy Spirit.  Praise the Lord.

Pastor D. Solomon Raja

It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me who was an unpardonable sinner and a most ardent idol worshipper for 58 years. The Lord touched me and my entire family through the sickness of my son Karthik, who was working as a Software Engineer in USA. Once Jesus disciples asked Jesus about a man blind from the birth, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind, Jesus Christ answered,  “Neither this man nor his parents. This happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life – (John 9:3)”. Similarly the Lord has chosen our family especially for His glory and to display His work. Psalmist says in Psalm 4:3 that the Lord has set apart the godly for Himself. Thus the Lord has set apart us for His glory and bestowed upon us innumerable and unimaginable miracles and wonders.

S. Thayappan


Accessed on Sep 18, 2009